Upcoming Events

Restaurant Night, January 28th from 6-8 at El Guapo’s

Induction in February for new members, February the 24th from 6-8 PM

Sponsor a Child (dates to be determined)

Cinco de Mayo poster contest, April 18th – May 3rd

Valentine’s day for teachers, February 10th

Field trip (to be determined)

Easter baskets for ELL students, March 24th

East Elementary and Zarrow Field Trip

We went to the East Elementary and Zarrow to read to the kids and talk to them in Spanish. This was a great opportunity to practice our Spanish, and to help the kids practice theirs. The classes we spoke to ranged from kindergarten to fourth grade. We read to the kindergarten class at Zarrow, and drew flores de buenanoche. Thank you East Elementary and Zarrow for letting us visit your students!

Important Holiday Volunteering

You need to bring toys for our toy drive by November 30th. You also need to bring your things for the Christmas boxes by the 23rd and put them together. The things you can bring include toiletries, inexpensive gifts, undergarments, cups, etc. Also, if you can bring boxes to put the gifts in, it would be appreciated. We have a field trip to Zarrow and Eisenhower on the 9th of December to read books in Spanish. Anyone in the society is welcome. We will leave around 9:00 AM and return around 2:00 PM. There is a party at the East Elementary on December 4th for dual language. If you would like to volunteer to help at the party, the sign up sheet will be available as soon as possible.

November Restaurant Night!

This thursday, we will be holding our monthly Restaurant Night at Los Cabos in Jenks, at 300 Riverwalk Terrace. 10% of the proceeds will go to our society, so we would appreciate it if you would come out and eat with us. Come eat delicious food and support us!


Regalos para los Maestros


Nosotros, la Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad, estamos haciendo unos regalos para los maestros! Tienen mensajes amables en español, y hay una sorpresa adentro. No podemos decir que es, pero es muy dulce!

We, the National Junior Spanish Honor Society, are making presents for the teachers! They have kind spanish messages on the outside, and a surprise inside. We can’t say what it is, but it sure is sweet!